Quality and Environmental Management Certificates

Integrated Management System Policy


The goal of the company’s policy “TOMBIG” is to offer customers services in the field of aluminum machining in CNC centers and aluminum trading, reduce negative impact on the environment in all activities, and provide resources and means to implement the adopted policy.

As part of the IMS policy, we commit to:

  • Improve the quality and environmental management system, particularly in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Improve processes related to regular monitoring and measurements, as well as actions that have a significant impact on the environment by reducing municipal waste and preventing pollution.

Satisfying customer needs and expectations through good quality services that meet requirements will enable us to achieve a leading position in the market.

Achieving this position requires adopting a long-term development policy and continuously improving the quality and environmental management system in accordance with the EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO 14001:2015 standards, along with defining competencies and responsibilities at every stage of the company’s activities and taking individual responsibility for the quality of work by each employee.

Each employee is responsible for knowing, understanding, and complying with the applicable standards and legal regulations regarding quality and environmental protection, which will contribute to the achievement of goals and tasks as well as the implementation of this policy.

Only by implementing this policy in collaboration with employees can we achieve our goals.

Certyficat PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 i PN-EN ISO 14001:2015

Nr 3518/01/2023 released by Polską Akademię Jakości CERT sp z o.o.